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Title: Psychology of sport : motivation in the secondary physical education (special emphasis on form III)
Authors: Mariani, Elizabeth
Carabott, Carmen
Keywords: Education, Secondary -- Malta
Physical education and training -- Malta
Sports -- Psychological aspects
Issue Date: 1995
Citation: Mariani, E., & Carabott, C. (1995). Psychology of sport : motivation in the secondary physical education (special emphasis on form III) (Bachelor’s dissertation).
Abstract: This dissertation focuses on the motivational aspects that could induce or inhibit participation in physical education and sports activities within secondary schooling. Thus the study analyses the PE setting in the six chosen schools so as to provide an overview of the present situation. The Form III sector was considered throughout as a representative sample, boys and girls alike. This age group was considered to be rather the most delicate of all years, in our opinion, when their keen 'naive' enthusiasm, in most cases starts to wear off. Aspects included the analysation of the curriculum, availability and use of facilities and equipment, teachers' and pupils' motivation, teaching methods, drop-outs, competition and co-operation. Similar studies conducted in children's participation motives shed light on pupils' attraction to sport as well as on the phenomenon of drop-outs. Among reasons attributed were lack of time or energy, having other, more 'important' things to do; lack of facilities and equipment. Other factors, mostly derived from bad memories of sport and physical education from previous school years, include a low self - image in athletic competency, and/or an intense dislike of the games and activities in the school curriculum. The following chapters focused on our own study, as to the methodology applied (Chapter 2) and results obtained. Observations included the analysis of how lessons are conducted within the physical framework of each particular school (Chapter 3). Teachers' interviews equipped us with an insight into teachers' motivation (Chapter 4). Chapter 5 focused on pupils' perceptions of physical education, eliciting their own reasons for liking/disliking PE. In our final chapter, practical suggestions were given based also on the teachers' and pupils' ideas, keeping into perspective the results obtained as featured in this study.
Description: B.ED.(HONS)
Appears in Collections:Dissertations - FacEdu - 1953-2007

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