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Title: Exploring the way in which internet-based self-care has influenced persons’ attitudes regarding their health
Authors: Cassar, Kay
Keywords: Self-care, Health
Internet -- Psychological aspects
Health attitudes
Issue Date: 2015
Abstract: Internet has been around for a while now and almost become part of our daily needs for living. New research indicates the growing trend of patient help forums and online searches for self-diagnosis, which can lead to both positive and negative outcomes. This study adopted a qualitative approach, exploring the subjective experience of persons’ that have looked towards internet self-care in order to gain consultation regarding illness, chronic conditions or any form of medical advice and how this has influenced their own health choices. In order to do so, three Focus groups were conducted with a total of ten participants. Data was analysed using the constant comparative method (Glaser & Strauss, 2009). Analysis revealed five overarching concepts: (a) Searching for internet-based health information, (b) Motivations for searching online, (c) Influence of information on health decision making, (d) Perceived attitudes to information online and, (e) The informed patient. The results clearly show that, through the use of online self-care, individuals are likely to be influenced with their decisionmaking process towards their health. Thus, a shift in attitudes when compared to traditional processes of self-care. This study can hopefully be used to bring more awareness of the importance of health information online, and how the health-care system can use it to their advantage to promote better quality of life.
Description: B.PSY.(HONS)
Appears in Collections:Dissertations - FacSoW - 2015
Dissertations - FacSoWPsy - 2015

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