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Title: The readability of understanding science textbooks in forms 1 and 2
Authors: Pulis, Alan (1993)
Keywords: Education, Secondary -- Malta
Science -- Study and teaching (Secondary) -- Malta
Issue Date: 1993
Citation: Pulis, A. (1993). The readability of understanding science textbooks in forms 1 and 2 (Bachelor’s dissertation).
Abstract: This study aims at investigating "Understanding Science I and Understanding Science 2" which are the Science Textbooks presently in use with Form .I and Form II pupils in State Area Secondaries and Junior Lyceums. A tri fold approad1 to Readability of texts was employed in the research. Initially, appropriate use of the Fry Readability Formula gave indications regarding Readability of the Textbooks. According to the formula, both textbooks are readable within the 10-11-12 year old range. Owing to the mathematical rigidity of the formula, which definitely neglects various other aspects related to textbook readability_. cloze-testing was more than necessary. The modern format of textbooks, together with a more scientific approach to teaching and learning of science through practicals, made cloze-test application insufficient in establishing reliable results to estimate readablility. Indeed, practical-testing had to become more than an integral part of the research since, after all, Understanding Science aims at teaching and learning of science through a practical mode (Boyd and Whitelaw, 1989). Results obtained in cloze-testing and practicals, were analysed in conjunction with pupil-performance in Annual Examinations of English Language and Integrated Science for the June 1992 session. This allowed ample 8µaoe for conclusions and recommendations which do not necessarily implicate solely the Readability of Understanding Science Textbooks.
Description: B.ED.(HONS)
Appears in Collections:Dissertations - FacEdu - 1953-2007

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