Dissertations - IMP - 2004-2013 Collection home page Statistics

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 115
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2012Sulfur dioxide trends in Malta : a statistical computing approachDesira, Nicholas (2012)
2010A heuristic for local land planning : linking ecological function and policy : in context to Charlotte, North CarolinaRobertella, Kimberlee (2010)
2011Residential solar energy in the Valley : a feasibility assessment and carbon mitigationZimmerman, Deanna L. (2011)
2012Ecological restoration of abandoned agricultural land : an evaluation of socio-economic feasibilityZammit, Petra (2012)
2011Investigating hydrogen enhanced combustion in a sustainability contextZammit, Glenn (2011)
2010Sustainable agricultural management and landscaping through agroforestry and permacultureVella, Shawn (2010)
2013Potential energy savings when using saline water for cooling chillers in MaltaMicallef, Mireille (2013)
2012Economic life cycle assessment of aeration blowers used in waste water treatment systemsManogaran, Shriram (2012)
2010Assessing vulnerability to coastal hazards : case study : GozoPortelli, Jonathan (2010)
2011Understanding marine ecosystem services in Malta : a focus on climate regulation, nursery habitat and recreational servicesReilly, Erin (2011)
2013Developing a learning environment for the Edwards Aquifer with a base in systems thinking dynamicsSimon, James E. (2013)
2011Development of a methodology for dormitory energy load estimation and analysisReal, John Michael (2011)
2010The role of quality labels in farming diversification and rural developmentVella, Eman (2010)
2013An analysis of the application of best management practices in collaborative watershed management to community-based sustainable developmentSappenfield, Rebecca H. (2013)
2013A system dynamics analysis of the growth in Virginia's residential electricity consumption trends, 1980-2010Sellakkannu, Raguram (2013)
2011A technology assessment of on-farm renewable energy carbon mitigation strategiesKossey, Laura (2011)
2013Improving the energy efficiency of dehumidification technology at a large facility in FloridaWillson Hoilett, Brandon (2013)
2013The integration of 18th and 19th century subsistence farming practices into the planning and zoning laws of the City and County of BaltimoreHayes, Clayton (2013)
2010'The eco-Gozo vision' : a study set against criteria of good governance and sustainabilityGauci, Amity (2010)
2012Developing a best practices manual for the U.S. Department of Energy ‘Wind for Schools Project’Fox, Jessica (2012)
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 115

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