Dissertations - CenLS - 1996-2014 Collection home page Statistics

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 21 to 40 of 48
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2011A guide book for career guidance practitioners : employability skills for young adults with disabilitiesTanti, Alison (2011)
2011Children's career development learning : A literature reviewMamo, Maria (2011)
2013Measuring effective career guidance services offered by employment advisors within the public employment service in MaltaGatt, Tracey (2013)
2011The use of ICT in career guidance : a proposal for an online tool for secondary school students in MaltaFenech Soler, Michaela (2011)
2008Adolescent choice of a career in area secondary school : a case studyChircop, Jacqueline (2008)
2008Designing an online career information, advice and guidance service for MCAST learnersCassar, Robert (2008)
2008Strengthening intersectoral collaboration in career guidance between the employment and training corporation and the educational sectorCamilleri, Emanuel (2008)
2013The relationship between interests and educational choices at MCASTCamilleri, Alan (2013)
2008Students in waged labour : a study in the effects of part-time work on sixth form youthsBorg-Saliba, Ritienne (2008)
2013Code of ethics for career guidance practitioners : comparisons, reflections & reactionsBorg, Rebecca (2013)
2013Career guidance in perspective : an analysis of the service in educational settings through clients' understandingBorg, Graziella (2013)
2008The option exercise in a girls' secondary school : perceptions of students and guidance teachers regarding choice of options in form II : a case studyBonanno, Carmen (2008)
2008Career barriers encountered by students in a female secondary schoolsBezzina, Maria (2008)
2013The predictors for recruitment of sales jobsAquilina, Antoinette (2013)
2008The relationship between free time and students' perception of workAgius, David (2008)
2013F.EM - Female employment programme : European social fund (ESF) - application formAgius, Antonella (2013)
1996Managerial practice of lean production : its effect on working conditions of white-collar employeesCassar, Charles (1996)
2008Can role changes result in increased stress levels for employees? : a case study on the Malta department of customsAttard, Darin (2008)
1999Dilapidated houses in Cottonera : taking Vittoriosa as a case studyGauci, Christine (1999)
2011Changing career direction of young professionalsGalea, Marija (2011)
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 21 to 40 of 48

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