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Title: Ongoing professional development for Heads of primary state schools
Authors: Cassar, Josette (2008)
Keywords: School principals
Education, Primary -- Malta
Education -- Administration
Issue Date: 2008
Citation: Cassar, J. (2008). Ongoing professional development for Heads of primary state schools (Master's dissertation).
Abstract: The main aim of this research was to investigate the strategies adopted by Local State Primary Heads of School vis-a-vis their professional development (PD) commitments in an ongoing process, hence the term continuous professional development (CPD). The research instrument employed was a self-administered questionnaire distributed to all the Heads of State Primary Schools. It transpires that the majority of the Heads of School do believe in CPD as being an integral part of educators' holistic mission; however time limitations have been found to be the greatest drawback hindering actual current study programs in spite of all possible avenues available. These findings were later corroborated through interviews carried out with three College Principals who, in accordance with the policies of the newly established Educational Directorates, are now endeavouring to re-organise the system of in-service (INSET) courses, tailor made to the individual needs of their respective schools. The interviews with all three principals have highlighted the initiatives being undertaken, that directly address the needs expressed by the Heads of School and which are not simply imposed indiscriminately by the Directorates. The extent to which these radical changes will further influence the CPD of Heads of School warrants further studies as discussed in the recommended, related, possible future research.
Description: M.ED.
Appears in Collections:Dissertations - FacEdu - 2008

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