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Title: Parental participation in the FES (Foundation for Educational Services) after school programme
Authors: Abela, Colette (2003)
Debattista, Stefania (2003)
Keywords: Education, Primary -- Malta
Curriculum-based assessment
Issue Date: 2003
Citation: Abela, C., & Debattista, S. (2003). Parental participation in the FES (Foundation for Educational Services) after school programme (Bachelor's Dissertation).
Abstract: This study sets out to investigate parent participation in the after school program run by the Foundation for Educational Services which is currently being held in a number of Maltese primary schools. These programs strongly emphasise parent participation in the learning of the child. The research was carried out through questionnaires for parents and teachers, and through interviews with co-ordinators and parents. The quantitative methods were spread over three primary schools, coming from different social backgrounds, aiming to compare parental participation in children's education. One is led to ask: Do children and parents benefit through these programs? Is the National Minimum Curriculum flexible enough to incorporate this issue? Are the objectives of the program being reached? This study brings to light the responses to such questions, as well as the actual level of Parental Involvement and measures that could be taken to improve this situation.
Description: B.ED.(HONS)
Appears in Collections:Dissertations - FacEdu - 1953-2007

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