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Title: Assessment of a value at risk in heavy construction equipment energy efficiency projects
Authors: Berishvili, Vakhtang
Keywords: Energy consumption -- Economic aspects
Monte Carlo method
Risk management
Construction equipment
Issue Date: 2021-04
Publisher: Ahmet Gökgöz
Citation: Berishvili, V. (2021). Assessment of a value at risk in heavy construction equipment energy efficiency projects. Journal of Accounting, Finance and Auditing Studies, 7(2), 53-63.
Abstract: Purpose: Energy efficiency projects can save money for companies but are not always accepted with great enthusiasm. High risk may be the reason of hesitancy. Current research designed model that can assesses risk by considering volatile factors that affect value of the project and evaluated energy efficiency investments.
Methodology: Model calculated Value at Risk using Monte Carlo simulation. Financial risk of two heavy equipment energy efficiency projects in Georgia was evaluated.
Findings: Results indicated that if investment costs are high compared with present value of energy savings (90%) risk may be substantial but its level drops to the low level if investment costs are lower (70%).
Significance: Research and elaborated model can help manages to quantify risks and make thorough decisions regarding investment in energy efficiency projects.
Appears in Collections:Journal of Accounting, Finance and Auditing Studies, Volume 7, Issue 2
Journal of Accounting, Finance and Auditing Studies, Volume 7, Issue 2

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