Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
2020 | The role of social entrepreneurship in ensuring the social security of the state | Romanova, Tatyana; Terziev, Venelin; Andreeva, Olga; Sukhoveeva, Anna; Galina, Popova; Marina, Otrishko |
2020 | The problem of bankruptcy of business entities as a consequence of the COVID-19 pandemic | Skvortsova, Tatyana A.; Pasikova, Tatyana A.; Vereshchagina, Liliya N.; Pozdnishov, Alexsei N.; Sukhovenko, Anna V. |
2020 | Government financial support and SME development in Switzerland | Zabolotskaya, Victoria V. |
2020 | Problems of implementation of national projects : breaking in the period of the pandemic and the way out of the crisis | Zyryanov, Sergey M.; Kalmykova, Anastasia V. |
2020 | Brand name and consumer’s buying intention | Balatsou, Aikaterini-Apostolia; Dimitriadis, Efstathios |
2020 | Causality relationship of Zakat, income inequality, and poverty : a panel co-integration approach | Suriani; Nurdin, Ridwan; Haris Riyaldi, Muhammad |
2020 | Correlation of income per-capita, secondary and tertiary education, and environmental school uantity to achieve clean water access in the sustainable development goals | Jayanti, Ery; Hazmi, Yusri; Nazamuddin, Halik, B. S.; Zulkarnain, Teuku |
2020 | Impacts of job stress and dissatisfaction on turnover intention. A critical analasys of logistics industry – evidence from Vietnam | Thu Suong, Huynh Thi |
2020 | Legal regulation of the information space as a way of forming modern legal awareness | Napalkova, Irina G.; Samygin, Petr S.; Vlasova, Galina B.; Fedorenko, Natalia V.; Vlasov, Vasily I.; Denisenko, Svetlana V. |
2020 | Liquidity mismatch index and banks’ stock returns | Marozva, Godfrey |
2020 | The influence of education and environmental support on entrepreneurial intentions | Al Issa, Hussein-Elhakim |
2020 | Management by indicators and financial performance of industrial companies in Jordan | Alkhawaldeh, Khleef A. |
2020 | The role of block shareholders in the relationship between diversification and bank performance in Vietnam | Pham, Quoc Viet |
2020 | Impact of plant closures on urban and regional communities : a case study of South Australian gas industry and its workers | Kalogiannidis, Stavros |
2020 | The moderating role of earnings management on the relationship between cash flow activities and stock returns in the Jordanian manufacturing firms | Abbadi, Sinan Suleiman |
2020 | Vietnam’s National Energy Development Strategy to 2030 and outlook to 2045 | Anh, Phan; Ngan, Nguyen Thi Kim; Huong, Nguyen Thi Thuy |
2020 | The link between car sales and the economic crisis in the European Union at the time of the Covid-19 epidemic | Torok, Laszlo |
2020 | Achieving agility and dynamic capabilities on sustainable performance : evidence from the upstream oil and gas sector | Zulkifli, Muhammad; Firmanzah; Balqiah, Tengku Ezni; Hamsal, Mohammad |
2020 | SMEs management success determinants and its implications on their performance in South West, Nigeria | Asikhia, Olalekan; Naidoo, Vannie |
2020 | The impact of intellectual capital on the administrative innovation among the employees in the commercial Jordanian banks | Al-Assaf, Ahmad Hashem; Rawashdeh, Abas Salem; Alshalabi, Feras Suliman |
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 22