Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
2021-05 | Guest editorial : small states and the governance of the COVID-19 pandemic | Hogenauer, Anna-Lena; Sarapuu, Kulli; Trimikliniotis, Nicos; |
2021-05 | Communication, politics and COVID-19 in Iceland : the small state dimension | Olafsson, Jon Gunnar |
2021-05 | Nordic solidarity and COVID-19 | Hansson, Pia; Stefansdottir, Audur Birna |
2021-05 | Small states in international health crises : Iceland’s response to the global COVID-19 pandemic | Wood, Luke B. |
2021-05 | National isolation or regional cooperation? The media debate on border closures during the Covid-19 crisis in Luxembourg | Hogenauer, Anna-Lena |
2021-05 | Tourism and COVID-19 in 2020 : the case of Malta as a small state | Briffa, Hillary Victoria; Agius, Gordon Alistair |
2021-05 | Island tourism and COVID-19 in Vanuatu and Samoa : an unfolding crisis | Connell, John; Taulealo, Tautalaaso |
2021-05 | Rising from the ashes of the pandemic : the case of the Dutch Caribbean | Rojer, Guido |
2021-05 | The strangest election in the world? The October 2020 general election in Guernsey | Reardon, John; Pich, Christopher |
2021-05 | Australia’s oddest jurisdiction : the continuous anomaly of Jervis Bay Territory | Hayward, Philip R. |
2021-05 | Book review : Global environmental governance and small states : architectures and agency in the Caribbean | Ramlogan, Rajendra |
2021-05 | Book review : Small is multilingual : language and identity in micro-territories | Palermo, Francesco |
2021-05 | Book review : A theory of dysfunctionality : the European microstates as dysfunctional states in the international system | Baldacchino, Godfrey |
2021-05 | Book review : Eine governance-theorie des kleinstaats | Veenendaal, Wouter |
2021-05 | Book review : Mexico and the Caribbean under Castro’s eyes : a journal of decolonization, state formation and democratization | Rampersad, Indira |
2021-05 | Book review : The Caribbean blue economy | Seijo, Juan Carlos |
2021-05 | Book review : The China alternative : changing regional order in the Pacific Islands | Firth, Stewart |
2021-05 | Book review : An introduction to island studies | Bouchard, Christian |
2021 | Book review : Peacebuilding in the Asia-Pacific | Oakeshott, David |
2021 | Book review : The small Gulf states : foreign and security policies before and after the Arab Spring | Parker, Tyler B. |