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Title: Knee pain
Authors: Formosa, Aaron
Keywords: Knee -- Surgery -- Case studies
Knee -- Treatment -- Case studies
Issue Date: 2006
Publisher: Malta Medical Journal
Citation: Formosa, A. (2006). Knee pain. Malta Medical Journal, 18(4), 32-36.
Abstract: JC is a 13 year old boy who presented with a 3 week history of anterior right knee pain. Pain is activity related and brought on whenever JC plays football or basketball. He never needed to stop from any particular activity because of the pain. After exercise, the knee pain only persists for a few of hours such that by the following morning JC is pain free. There is no history of trauma, there have been no previous similar episodes in the past and the pain was of insidious onset. There is no limitation in the range of movement and no swelling is described. On examination, there is no abnormality in the knee joint except for a moderately enlarged right tibial tubercle which is mildly tender on palpation.
Appears in Collections:MMJ, Volume 18, Issue 4
MMJ, Volume 18, Issue 4

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