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Title: Once a city, always a city?
Authors: Gatt, Corinne (2008)
Keywords: Cities and towns
Human settlements
Human geography
Issue Date: 2008
Citation: Gatt, C. (2008). Once a city, always a city? (Master's dissertation).
Abstract: The geographical location of Malta, in the centre of the Mediterranean, has often played a vital role in attracting foreign occupiers to the islands, due to its strategic position as a centre of commerce and trade. The Three Cities mainly developed across this trading activity and flourished during the period of the Knights, where these were granted the title of cities and during the British period, in view of their strategic role as a naval base. The role of the Three Cities has changed drastically following the war periods, where due to the severe declines suffered, in particular in their trading activity and employment, their prominence has been depleted. It is the scope of this dissertation to analyse, whether, following these declines, the Three Cities can still occupy their roles as cities. The principal objective of this study, besides from defining the characteristics that constitute a city, is to analyse the growth and decline patterns of foreign cities and the Three Cities and the effects that these shifts had on the functions occupied by cities. These changes will be supported by case studies and models, which specifically highlight the patterns and traits of cities. The transformation from rural to urban locations together with the post-war effects, especially the World War II period will be also highlighted in order to give a clear picture of the trends that various cities have undergone, prior to their regeneration developments.
Description: M.A.GEOGRAPHY
Appears in Collections:Dissertations - FacArt - 1999-2010
Dissertations - FacArtGeo - 1983-2008

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