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dc.identifier.citationPoschwald, M. (2008). Analysis of UK's nightclub industry and creativity within (Master’s dissertation).en_GB
dc.description.abstractThe problem motivating this research is the author's belief that nightclubs have a great deal of unused potential which can be unleashed by entrepreneurial creativity. Therefore the general idea behind the research was to find out what can entrepreneurs do in order to successfully start or improve such enterprise through effective management, marketing techniques and, most importantly, creative and innovative approach. In spite of that, the primary aim of this research was to analyze current situation of the nightclub industry and creativity in the UK, along with the factors affecting both. As the night time economy constantly changes and new trends emerge frequently, clubs, in order to satisfy their customers, need to adopt their service accordingly to these changes. Therefore, to identify the latest trends, it ls essential to analyze the market constantly. The industry is experiencing serious difficulties due to issues such as increasing competition within the leisure sector (oversupply and price cutting), rising drugs usage and alcohol consumption (binge drinking and bad publicity) and shortage in professional doorstaff (safety) and management (quality of service provided). All these problems result in lack of investments in the industry and low customer satisfaction. They also seriously affect the way nightclubs are being perceived nowadays. Yet, there are still many challenges awaiting the market, including impending changes in legislation. To identify possible ways of improving nightclubs situation, a research involving collection of secondary and primary data, was carried out. The secondary data analyzed, highlighted the most important issues affecting clubs and creativity in UK, providing good background tor the study. Primary data, obtained from interviewing numerous nightclub managers and surveying potential clubbers, provided the research with valuable information on how the recent industry problems could be solved. The analysis of collected primary and secondary data results, showed that in order to overcome recent market difficulties, effectively cope with the new legislation, improve the image and attract more customers, nightclubs should concentrate on differentiating themselves from competition, creating new USPs, investing in new technologies and conducting frequent market research. Furthermore, more attention should be paid to advertisement and promotion techniques, to avoid strong dependency on word of mouth. Finally, creativity was identified as a possible solution to all of the above problems. However its appliance still remains an issue, due to misconceptions predominant in the society. Conclusions drawn indicated that examined market is very hard to predict and therefore must be constantly analyzed. Recommendations were also made, advising operators and government to face the current problems immediately, without underestimating their gravity.en_GB
dc.subjectNightclubs -- Great Britainen_GB
dc.subjectCreative thinkingen_GB
dc.subjectEntrepreneurship -- Great Britainen_GB
dc.subjectCreative ability in business -- Great Britainen_GB
dc.titleAnalysis of UK's nightclub industry and creativity withinen_GB
dc.rights.holderThe copyright of this work belongs to the author(s)/publisher. The rights of this work are as defined by the appropriate Copyright Legislation or as modified by any successive legislation. Users may access this work and can make use of the information contained in accordance with the Copyright Legislation provided that the author must be properly acknowledged. Further distribution or reproduction in any format is prohibited without the prior permission of the copyright holder.en_GB
dc.publisher.institutionUniversity of Maltaen_GB
dc.publisher.departmentEdward De Bono Instituteen_GB
dc.contributor.creatorPoschwald, Matt (2008)-
Appears in Collections:Dissertations - InsDeB - 2006-2015

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