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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 21
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2022Mija - Mija : proposti għall-Ħabs, għall-qasam soċjali u għall-qasam tas-saħħa mentaliAzzopardi, Andrew
2022Armed Forces of Malta - Faculty for Social Wellbeing partnership for social inclusion : evaluation reportAzzopardi, Andrew; Cuff, Annabel; Vella, Graziella
2022Iklin Community ProjectAzzopardi, Andrew; Formosa, Olga
2022Examining the effect of the Covid-19 pandemic on Maltese young peopleAzzopardi, Andrew; Caruso, Jeremy
2021Disability service provision and persons with disabilityAzzopardi, Andrew; Azzopardi Lane, Claire; Cuff, Annabel; Vassallo, Matthew
2020Insights on modern youth activism : the case of University of Malta studentsAġenzija Żgħażagħ
2019Systematic review : legislation, policies, strategies & guidelines relating to disability in MaltaAzzopardi, Andrew; Azzopardi Lane, Claire; Bezzina, Lara
2018Systematic review postgraduate dissertations on disability in MaltaAzzopardi, Andrew; Callus, Anne-Marie; Bezzina, Lara
2021Msida Educational HubUniversity of Malta. Faculty for Social Wellbeing
2021Positive parenting projectAzzopardi, Andrew; Azzopardi Lane, Claire
2022Embracing super-diverse communities : ‘migrant inclusion’ on the Maltese policy agendaAzzopardi, Andrew; Pisani, Maria; Farrugia, Peter M.
2022Gender auditUniversity of Malta. Faculty for Social Wellbeing
2022Empowering communities through networking : a participatory action research approachAzzopardi, Andrew; Brown, Maria; Bonnici, Jamie; Cutajar, Ann Marie
2021-05Solitary confinement in Malta : a call for reformAzzopardi, Andrew; Bonnici, Jamie; Farrugia, Ruth
2021Memorandum : making our voice heard!Azzopardi, Andrew
2021Substance use in adolescence and emerging adulthood : trends, developments and transitionsAzzopardi, Andrew; Clark, Marilyn; Formosa, Olga; Gellel, Manuel; Mangion, Carmen
2021General opinion survey of the Maltese populationAzzopardi, Andrew; Bonnici, Jamie; Marmarà, Vincent-Anthony
2020Manifesto : deanship 2020-2024Azzopardi, Andrew
2018Gender audit : descriptive statisticsAzzopardi, Andrew; Bonnici, Jamie
2020Eating disorders amongst young persons in Malta : a nationally representative study of the prevalence and effect of eating disorders among young persons in MaltaAzzopardi, Andrew; Grech, Anton; Cuff, Annabel
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 21