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Title: Quality of the life of Maltese older adults with chronic venous insufficiency
Authors: Sant, Charlene Joan (2015)
Keywords: Veins -- Diseases -- Malta
Leg -- Blood-vessels
Venous pressure
Issue Date: 2015
Citation: Sant, C. J. (2015). Quality of the life of Maltese older adults with chronic venous insufficiency (Master's dissertation).
Abstract: BACKGROUND: Whilst older Maltese individuals often complain about the symptoms and adverse effects of chronic venous insufficiency (CVI) on their health and Quality of Life (QOL), studies on how QOL is actually affected by this condition have not been carried out locally. The main objective of this study was therefore to explore in detail how CVI affects the health-related QOL of the Maltese older person and compare the data obtained to published international studies. The hypothesis was that CVI, especially in those suffering from active ulcers, significantly affects the quality of life of an elderly individual.
Description: M.GER.
Appears in Collections:Dissertations - FacSoW - 2015
Dissertations - FacSoWGer - 1991-2015

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