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Title: Formal model extraction from informal descriptions
Authors: Zammit, Jonathan (2020)
Keywords: Natural language processing (Computer science)
Formal languages
Parsing (Computer grammar)
Issue Date: 2020
Citation: Zammit, J. (2020). Formal model extraction from informal descriptions (Bachelor's dissertation).
Abstract: The translation of natural language specifications to model-based specification can be defined as the translation from unstructured to structured system specification. There is always the possibility of introducing translation errors in this step such as human errors. This project aims to explore and study this translation process in light of proposing an automated mapping paradigm to produce structured models from unstructured natural textual descriptions of system behaviour through the analysis of natural language parts and their mapping to specific formalised model notation.
Description: B.Sc. IT (Hons)(Melit.)
Appears in Collections:Dissertations - FacICT - 2020
Dissertations - FacICTCIS - 2020

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