Dissertations - FacSciPhy - 1967-2017 Collection home page Statistics

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 129
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2009The impact of radial migration on the vertical profiles of disk galaxiesCaruana, Joseph (2009)
2010Developing a capacity for storm surge forecasting in the Maltese islandsGalea, Anthony (2010)
2007An integrated geophysical study of the Ionian Basin western margin : new insights on its Permo-Triassic originGalea, Charles (2007)
2009The characterization of a fibre-optic gyroscopeSaid, Chantelle (2009)
2000Evaluation of the street level air quality (SLAQ) model for carbon monoxideZammit, Steve (2000)
2016Dielectric properties of biological tissue in medical applicationsFarrugia, Lourdes
2001Laminar flow modelling of initial salt deformationEblaou, Ali Salem (2001)
2016Regional dispersion of pollutants with special reference to Etna emissions as measured at the Giordan Lighthouse GAW stationAzzopardi, Francelle (2016)
2014A sensitivity study of the WRF model to progressive input of SSTsZerafa, Daniel (2014)
2010Gravity survey from Anchor Bay to Għajn TuffieħaXuereb, Nadine (2010)
2009Computational methods in Bayesian statisticsTua, Alan (2009)
2008Low frequency magnetic fields in the environmentTalbot, Amy (2008)
2000Energetics of an electric road vehicleSchembri, David (2000)
2001Duration magnitude scale and analysis of seismicity around the Maltese IslandsScerri, Tania (2001)
2004Calibration of atmospheric trace gas detectors using a purpose built mixing unitSaliba, Martin (2004)
2007Photosmog episodes in the central MediterraneanRefalo, Antoinette (2007)
2010The future climate of the MediterraneanPace, Sharon (2010)
2010Evaluation of a regional climate model for vertical atmospheric simulation over the Mediterranean RegionNapoli, Nadine (2010)
2002Construction of a data loggerMizzi, Kevin (2002)
2011The future climate of the African continentMifsud, Roxanne (2011)
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 129

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