Dissertations - FacSciSOR - 2000-2014 Collection home page Statistics

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 116
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2014A comparison of penalized regression techniquesSchembri, Lynsey (2014)
2012Modeling ordinal data through bayesian semSammut, Shaun (2012)
2013Evolutionary algorithmsSpiteri, Maria (2013)
2009Revenue maximization by optimizing the price structurePsaila, Kenneth (2009)
2004Modelling heteroscedasticity in exchange rates for the Maltese liraInguanez, Monique (2004)
2003A study of mortality in the Maltese IslandsVassallo, Marcon (2003)
2004Inventory modelsZerafa, Cheryl (2004)
2002Transient behavior of queuing systemsZammit, Silvan (2002)
2008Modeling tourist opinions : from exploration to confirmationZammit, Lara (2008)
2002Analysis of statistics study-units followed by non-statistics studentsVassallo, Josette (2002)
2006Design & construction of a high vacuum thermal evaporatorVassallo, Andre (2006)
2011Empirical likelihood estimation of levy processesTaylor-East, Andrea (2011)
2002Modelling the average gross annual salary using two-way analysis of varianceTanti, Ronald (2002)
2013Applying value at risk and expected shortfall to time-discrete financial time series modelTanti, Maria (2013)
2010Global optimization applied to churn modelsTalbot, Kim (2010)
2008Logistic regression and some of its peculiaritiesTagliaferro, Nadia (2008)
2002The failure of ARIMA models on stock-market behaviourSuda, David Paul (2002)
2007Seat revenue management optimizationSpiteri, George (2007)
2012Use of stochastic programming to find the economical production batch sizesSoler, John (2012)
2010Parameter estimation of interest rate modelsSciriha, Marika (2010)
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 116

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