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Title: Laboratory surveillance of communicable diseases : enteric pathogens
Authors: Gauci, Charmaine
Gilles, Herbert M.
O’Brien, Sarah J.
Mamo, Julian
Keywords: Communicable diseases -- Surveillance
Pathogenic microorganisms
Laboratories -- Surveillance
Issue Date: 2007
Publisher: Malta Medical Journal
Citation: Malta Medical Journal. 2007, Vol.19(2), p. 27-31
Abstract: Laboratories represent a crucial link in the surveillance chain. Since only a small proportion of cases of enteric infections are asked to submit a stool sample, one needs to assess the practices for testing for enteric pathogens and their notification practices. Five local laboratories participated in this study. This included a description of the laboratory practices; capacity for stool sample analysis; awareness of the notification system and the factors which could improve the system at laboratory level.
Appears in Collections:MMJ, Volume 19, Issue 2
MMJ, Volume 19, Issue 2
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