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Title: Milestones in medicine
Authors: Stanbridge, Rex
Keywords: Medicine -- History
Medical innovations -- History
Physicians on postage stamps
Medical scientists -- On postage stamps
Issue Date: 1987-04
Publisher: Malta Philatelic Society
Citation: Stanbridge, R. (1987). Milestones in medicine. The PSM magazine, 16(1), 4-8.
Abstract: This article illustrates some of the important men who created the break throughs in Medical science over the ages. All those mentioned and in bold type have been honoured on postage stamps. Some by many countries and others by only a few. Where possible, the stamps of the country of their birth are used, but there are some notable exceptions. Each illustration shows the man honoured, his country of origin and the detail of the stamp. [excerpt]
Appears in Collections:JMPS - 1987 - 16(1)

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