JMPS - 1986 - 15(1)
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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 15 of 15
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
1986-03 | The PSM magazine : no. 15(1) : March 1986 | Bonnici, Alfred |
1986-03 | Malta : a diary : October - December, 1985 | Farrugia, J. |
1986-03 | Detailed information about : 40th anniversary of the United Nations issue and other issues | Farrugia, J. |
1986-03 | Great Britain stamps used in Malta : part 7 | Fenech, Anthony |
1986-03 | The "boite mobile" mark of Malta | Bonnici, Alfred |
1986-03 | The delivery charge marks, 1816 - 1849 | Bonello, Giovanni |
1986-03 | Symphony in stamps | Vassallo, Peter Paul |
1986-03 | Essay : the 1922/26 'Melita' issue | Bonnici, Alfred |
1986-03 | Malta & Cyprus | Said, Godwin |
1986-03 | The Philatelic Society constitution | Bonnici, Alfred |
1986-03 | Disinfection : part 8 | Bonnici, Alfred |
1986-03 | Awards at exhibitions | Said, Godwin |
1986-03 | A society is born : March 7, 1966 | Ganado, Albert |
1986-03 | From the president's desk | Mercieca, John H. |
1986-03 | Editorial : we are twenty years old | Bonnici, Alfred |
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 15 of 15