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Title: An annotated check list of articles and features of art historical interest in the Sunday Times of Malta (1967-1977)
Authors: Cassar, Matthew Francis (2008)
Keywords: Sunday Times of Malta
Maltese newspapers
Arts -- Press coverage -- Malta
Newspapers -- Sections, columns, etc.
Issue Date: 2008
Citation: Cassar, M. F. (2008). An annotated check list of articles and features of art historical interest in the Sunday Times of Malta (1967-1977) (Bachelor’s dissertation).
Abstract: This dissertation attempts to give a complete catalogue of all the articles having an artistic historical relevance found in the Sunday Times a/Malta, (S. T. 0. M.) one of the most prominent newspapers on the Island, between 1967 and 1977. The thesis is the third in a series of three dissertations focusing on three different study periods, of eleven years each. The years being studied are synonymous with an outbreak of modern art in Malta. The Island had recovered from the damage which was caused by World War II and art started to take a far more prominent role in society. In order to better grasp how both modem and earlier art were viewed at the time, a brief essay on the editorial policy of the S. T. 0. M. is made and the most important authors who wrote for the S. T. 0. Min these eleven years were chosen and their contributions clearly marked. The choice of these authors was based on their individual qualifications, and the number of contributions which they made in this study period. The gazetteer is clearly the most important part of this thesis. It was divided in five sections according to the type of information given. Furthermore, in order to provide a quicker reference, three of these five sections were divided in articles featuring local and international art, and cross references illustrating the date and page of the article were made between different sections where necessary.
Description: B.A.(HONS)HIST.OF ART
Appears in Collections:Dissertations - FacArt - 1999-2010
Dissertations - FacArtHa - 2008-2010

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