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Title: An analysis on the impact of hope and organizational support on job performance
Authors: Palmier, Michael (2008)
Keywords: Stress management
Job stress
Work -- Psychological aspects
Performance standards
Issue Date: 2008
Citation: Palmier, M. (2008). An analysis on the impact of hope and organizational support on job performance (Bachelor's dissertation).
Abstract: Stress is a significant problem in the modem world and has an impact on both individual health and profitability of organizations. A better understanding of stress and factors that affect it would be very valuable to people looking to reduce the harm it causes. Inspired by the work done in the Positive Psychology movement, this dissertation attempts to find a relationship between he constructs of hope, organizational support and work performance (which are all shown to have some relationship with stress). This was done by distributing a questionnaire among a group of employees with a total of 118 respondents. Existence of a linear relationship between the constructs was tested for but the data was not reliable enough to support the hypothesis.
Description: B.COMMS.(HONS)
Appears in Collections:Dissertations - FacMKS - 1988-2012
Dissertations - FacMKSMC - 1992-2014

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