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Title: Erezzjoni mhux b'sahhitha
Authors: Blundell, Renald
Keywords: Sexual disorders
Issue Date: 2010
Publisher: Malta Labour Party
Citation: Blundell, R. (2010, March 20). Erezzjoni mhux b'sahhitha. Kulhadd, pp. 22.
Abstract: Jiena jisimni Joseph Pisani u ghandi 43 sena. Ghandi hajja pjuttost kuntenta u lifestyle sportiv. Noqghod attent hafna x'niekol, nixrob dejjem b'moderazzjoni u kwazi qatt ma nixrob xorb alkoholiku u lanqas inpejjep. Ghandi problema li hija daqsxejn imbarazzanti u qed tkissirni. Qed inqum u nohlom biha, u mhux qed inhossni tajjeb ghal xejn u waqajt f'daqsxejn ta' dipressjoni. Meta jkolli x'naqsam sesswalment mal-mara tieghi, l-organu personali tieghi mhux qed narah jibbies bizzejjed daqs kemm kien qabel u vera qieghed inhossni mdejjaq dwar dan. Tista' tghidli jekk joghgbok jekk jien hux normali jew x'nista' naghmel?
Appears in Collections:Scholarly Works - FacM&SPB

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