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Title: Assessing façade-integrated photovoltaics : a methodology for their preliminary assessment
Authors: Zammit, Yanica
Borg, Simon Paul
Keywords: Solar panels
Photovoltaic power generation
Energy policy
Issue Date: 2017
Publisher: European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition
Citation: Zammit, Y., & Borg, S. P. (2017). Assessing façade-integrated photovoltaics : a methodology for their preliminary assessment. EUPVSEC 2017 – 33rd European PV Solar Energy Conference & Exhibition, Amsterdam. 2532-2536.
Abstract: One strategy typically utilized to reduce the energy demand of buildings is the use of onsite renewables, typically photovoltaic systems. In this context, whereas the roof space allocated for photovoltaics is quickly reaching saturation, façade-integrated photovoltaics could be a good alternative. Unfortunately, however, compared to roof-installed photovoltaics, such systems require a higher design commitment, frequently accompanied with cost uncertainties, which are often cumbersome to assess in traditional building design. To address this the research being presented in this paper, describes a methodology which would enable building designers to preliminary assess their proposed design technical and economic potential in a quick and easy manner. The developed methodology was tested on one particular building, showing how the technical and economic performance varies depending of the inputs set by the building designer. Additionally, a section was also included to show the effect of façade orientation on the total monthly and annual energy yield, showing how façade-integrated photovoltaics which are not predominantly South facing should not be discarded a priori for not having an optimum orientation.
Appears in Collections:Scholarly Works - FacBenED

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