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Title: Model of regional tourism competitiveness : fuzzy multiple-criteria approach (FDM-FAHP-PROMETHE II framework)
Authors: Stecyk, Adam
Sidorkiewicz, Marta
Orfin-Tomaszewska, Katarzyna
Keywords: Tourism -- Case studies
Competition -- Case studies
Multiple criteria decision making
Issue Date: 2021
Publisher: University of Piraeus. International Strategic Management Association
Citation: Stecyk, A., Sidorkiewicz, M., & Orfin-Tomaszewska, K. (2021). Model of regional tourism competitiveness: fuzzy multiple-criteria approach (FDM-FAHP-PROMETHE II framework). European Research Studies Journal, 24(3), 638-662.
Abstract: Purpose: The aim of the article is to build a research, comprehensive and objective model that takes into account various factors determining the regional tourism competitiveness on the example of 21 counties in the West Pomeranian Voivodeship. Degign/Methodology/Approach: The model uses the concept of fuzzy numbers, the Delphi method and two multi-criteria methods: AHP and PROMETHE II. An important scientific contribution to the issue of regional competitiveness of tourism is an in-depth look at several dozen different criteria, that have an impact on it. Collected data and the used research methods made it possible to reliably select those that should be noticed and developed by various stakeholders in the region. Findings: The main conclusion resulting from the research is the fact that the most important criteria for the level of tourist competitiveness of a destination include natural tourist attraction, anthropological tourist attractions, accommodation base, recreational infrastructure and catering base; whereas the criterion of safety and facilities for disabled tourists and para-tourist infrastructure is of little importance. The county with the highest level of tourism competitiveness is Kołobrzeg county, and the lowest - Pyrzycki county. Practical implications: An important scientific and practical contribution to the issue of regional competitiveness of tourism is an in-depth look at several dozen different criteria, that have an impact on it. Collected data and the used research methods made it possible to reliably select those that should be noticed and developed by various stakeholders in the region. Originallity value: Comprehensive approach to tourism competitiveness of regions with the use of multi-criteria method, which in an objective way indicates the aspects, features, attributes, factors evaluated as key in building the entity's position on the market.
Appears in Collections:European Research Studies Journal, Volume 24, Issue 3

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