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Title: Aspects of pig production in Malta
Authors: Gauci, Doris (1978)
Keywords: Meat industry and trade
Agriculture -- Malta
Economics -- Malta
Issue Date: 1978
Citation: Gauci, D. (1978). Aspects of pig production in Malta (Bachelor's dissertation).
Abstract: Although the Maltese economy can by no means be described as agricultural, agriculture has played a significant role in the country's economic growth and development. The agricultural sector accounts for only 5.6% of the gainfully occupied and probably about another 25% depend indirectly on it for their livelihood. The "'Development Plan for Malta 1973-80" has specified the guidelines that agriculture should follow in the near future. On page 102 of the Plan we read 11 it is the declared policy of the government to make farm work and fishing more profitable and 'efficient". As for output, "Agriculture and Fisheries are expected to make a gradual,"' but important additional contribution to production and to reduce the degree of dependence on imported agricultural products and and foodstuffs".
Description: B.A.(HONS)ECONOMICS
Appears in Collections:Dissertations - FacEma - 1959-2008
Dissertations - FacEMAEco - 1971-2010

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