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Title: Financial accounting and reporting in Maltese scouting : a study
Authors: Vella, Kimberley (2021)
Keywords: Scouting (Youth activity) -- Malta
Accounting -- Malta
Volunteers -- Malta
Associations, institutions, etc. -- Malta -- Finance
Financial statements -- Malta
Issue Date: 2021
Citation: Vella, K. (2021). Financial accounting and reporting in Maltese scouting : a study (Master’s dissertation).
Abstract: PURPOSE: This study aims to investigate the standing of volunteers in a voluntary organisation as well as examining the balance between qualifications and experience. Additionally, the study analyses the importance of key aspects of the need for accounting in voluntary organisations within the Scout Association of Malta. Finally, the study addresses the need to analyse the possible areas of improvement which could be implemented within the financial reporting guidelines of the association shortly. DESIGN: The study adopts a qualitative approach through a case study and action research methodology. The combination of the two methods allowed the author to provide an in-depth analysis by obtaining information from the current reality to assess the implications of the changes to be implemented. Furthermore, primary data was collected mainly from the working group’s meetings and through semi-structured interviews with eleven treasurers and the finance commissioners of the association. FINDINGS: The main findings of this dissertation dictate that both the criteria of knowledge and experience are crucial in fulfilling the treasurer’s role within a voluntary organisation. Consequently, the treasurers noted the importance of the key aspects, such as transparency and the importance of having a sense of ownership. Moreover, the author noted that treasurers perceive accountability as a crucial tool in the running of a scout group, however, the author also identified a possible issue regarding completeness in the groups’ accounts. Lastly, the study also shows that there exists a sense of change in culture within the scout groups and the treasurers also portrayed a sense of enthusiasm and acceptance of the changes to be implemented in the near future. CONCLUSION: This dissertation concludes that it is important for voluntary organisations to evolve and adapt to the surrounding environment. Although these organisations are not profit-making, their social purpose is important for the community. Thus, accountability and transparency would ensure adequate communications with stakeholders. VALUE: This study adds to existing literature regarding the financial aspects of the operation in the Maltese voluntary sector. Specifically, the dissertation aims to provide useful feedback and recommendations to the Scout Association of Malta with respect to improving its financial reporting guidelines.
Description: M. Accty.(Melit.)
Appears in Collections:Dissertations - FacEma - 2021
Dissertations - FacEMAAcc - 2021

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