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Title: Book review : Said Malta stamp and coin catalogue 1979
Keywords: Books -- Reviews
Postage stamps -- Catalogs
Issue Date: 1978
Publisher: Malta Philatelic Society
Citation: Cutajar, N. A. (ed.) (1978). Book review : Said Malta stamp and coin catalogue 1979. The Philatelic Society of Malta magazine, 8(3), 28-29.
Abstract: The tenth edition of this catalogue has been published and the publishers celebrated in style with a marvellous new production that is a great contribution towards Maltese philately. For this Anniversary edition proposes several new innovations and additions to the general reference work of local philately. In the first place a look at what the new edition proposes as the principal changes: (1) listing in strict chronological order, an absolute necessity; (2) a revised classification of the Q.V. 1/2d Yellows, a straightforward list; (3) the elimination of previous gaps, a sensible solution; (4) the numbering of triptych sets, a reasonable innovation; (5) separate listing for airmail stamps, souvenir and miniature sheets, and sheetlets, a debatable proposition. [excerpt]
Appears in Collections:JMPS - 1978 - 8(3)

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