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Title: Secretary's report : 1976
Authors: Ganado, Albert
Keywords: Malta Philatelic Society (Sliema, Malta) -- Activities
Stamp collecting -- Societies, etc.
Issue Date: 1977
Publisher: Malta Philatelic Society
Citation: Ganado, A. (1977). Secretary's report : 1976. The Philatelic Society of Malta magazine, 7(1), 2-4.
Abstract: The Committee for 1976 was elected at the Annual General Meeting held on the 5th January 1976 and the officials, except for those chosen at the General Meeting, were appointed at the Committee meeting of the 22nd January. There were no changes during the Committee's term of office. The Committee met nine times during 1976. Two other meetings were called but could not be held as the members present did not form a quorum. [excerpt]
Appears in Collections:JMPS - 1977 - 7(1)

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