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Title: The experience of parenting children with and without autism in Malta : six case studies
Authors: Vella, Lara Maria (2019)
Keywords: Autism spectrum disorders in children -- Malta
Parents of autistic children -- Malta
Parenting -- Malta
Child rearing -- Malta
Child development -- Malta
Issue Date: 2019
Citation: Vella, L.M. (2019). The experience of parenting children with and without autism in Malta: six case studies (Master's dissertation).
Abstract: The experience of a parent bringing up a child with an Autism Spectrum Condition (ASC) is likely to differ in many ways from that of a parent of a Typically Developing (TD) child. This study aims to compare the parenting experiences of raising a child with or without an ASC. A qualitative explorative approach was adopted through in-depth interviews with six families of 5-8-year-old children, three with a TD child and three with a child with an ASC. Thematic analysis resulted in three main themes: 1) common challenges faced by both groups of parents, including consideration of the home environment as key in their child’s development, the central role in child-rearing taken by mothers, and the strong sense of lack of time for meeting the children’s needs. These challenges were also commonly met with a positive attitude and a belief that children needed discipline. 2) Different parenting approaches were also found between the two groups of parents, namely about parental expectations of parents regarding their children’s successes in life (social skills-related goals in comparison with academic success), and the amount of effort dedicated to specific disciplinary strategies. 3) Thirdly, parents of children with an ASC sought different types and levels of support for child rearing. This study enhances the understanding of the experiences of parents of children with and without an ASC in Malta and how different parents may be supported to better meet the needs of their children.
Description: M.PSY.
Appears in Collections:Dissertations - FacSoW - 2019
Dissertations - FacSoWPsy - 2019

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