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dc.identifier.citationXuereb, C. (2014). Bil-qala u l-moqdief 3 [Radio series]. Malta: Campus FMen_GB
dc.descriptionA series of programmes focusing on important individuals that arrived in Malta by sea in olden times from places that has shared our ancient culture.en_GB
dc.description.abstractChev Dr Charles Xuereb talks with Dr Marilyn Mallia about the French author Gorge Sant. Amantine-Lucile-Aurore Dupin (1 July 1804 – 8 June 1876), best known by her pseudonym George Sand, was a French novelist and memoirist. She is equally well known for her much publicized romantic affairs with a number of artists, including the composer and pianist Frédéric Chopin and the writer Alfred de Musset.en_GB
dc.subjectSand, George, 1804-1976en_GB
dc.subjectMallia, Marilynen_GB
dc.titleBil-qala u l-moqdief 3 : program 12en_GB
dc.title.alternativeGeorge Sand (1804-1976) : Dr Marilyn Malliaen_GB
dc.rights.holderThe copyright of this work belongs to the author(s)/publisher. The rights of this work are as defined by the appropriate Copyright Legislation or as modified by any successive legislation. Users may access this work and can make use of the information contained in accordance with the Copyright Legislation provided that the author must be properly acknowledged. Further distribution or reproduction in any format is prohibited without the prior permission of the copyright holder.en_GB
dc.contributor.creatorXuereb, Charles
Appears in Collections:Bil-qala u l-moqdief 3

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