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Title: Editorial introduction : Paulo Freire (1921-2021) : birth centenary special issue
Authors: Hickling Hudson, Anne
Mayo, Peter
Keywords: Editorials
Freire, Paulo, 1921-1997 -- Appreciation
Freire, Paulo, 1921-1997 -- Influence
Issue Date: 2021
Publisher: University of Malta. Faculty of Education
Citation: Hickling Hudson, A., & Mayo, P. (2021). Editorial introduction : Paulo Freire (1921-2021) : birth centenary special issue. Postcolonial Directions in Education, 10(2), 188-192.
Abstract: This final issue for 2021 serves as a tribute to the subaltern and decolonising pedagogical politics of Paulo Freire who was born a century ago. Postcolonial Directions in Education celebrates the stature of this significant Brazilian as a humanist, leading pedagogue and decolonising figure, arguably the most influential educator since John Dewey, and a colossal figure from the majority world. Conferences marking this commemorative year of Freire’s birth centenary were held in several countries. One of these meetings featured both co-editors of this journal. Peter Mayo, the UNESCO Chair in Global Adult Education, coordinated the Paulo Freire Birth Centenary Fest held from 6 – 8 December 2021, and Anne Hickling- Hudson participated in the conference as one of the 24 invited speakers. Both have worked closely with Freire’s thought, and have sought to apply his transformative approach to pedagogy and discuss it in their writing. [excerpt]
Appears in Collections:PDE, Volume 10, No. 2
PDE, Volume 10, No. 2

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