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Title: Integration of the geomorphological environment and cultural heritage for tourism promotion: a case study from Gozo (Maltese Islands)
Authors: Coratza, Paola
Gauci, Ritienne
Schembri, John A.
Soldati, Mauro
Tonelli, Chiara
Keywords: Cultural geography -- Malta -- Gozo
Environmental geology -- Malta -- Gozo
Geomorphology -- Malta -- Gozo
Advertising -- Tourism -- Malta -- Gozo
Dwejra (San Lawrenz, Malta)
Issue Date: 2015-04
Publisher: European Geosciences Union
Citation: Coratza, P., Gauci, R., Schembri, J. A., Soldati, M., & Tonelli, C. (2015, April). Integration of the geomorphological environment and cultural heritage for tourism promotion: a case study from Gozo (Maltese Islands). In EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts (p. 14985).
Abstract: The paper aims to highlight the unique integration of natural and cultural heritage within the Dwejra area, a site of outstanding scenery located along the NW coast of the Island of Gozo (Malta). Dwejra displays a great variety of geological and geomorphological features as well as unusual and unique ecological systems, concentrated in a relatively small and remoteness area. The landscape is made of a large set of landforms created by several processes: karst dissolution, forming at least four solution subsidence structures in the area; fluvial processes (marked by the presence of perennial freshwater pools), seepage from cliffs, waterfall and several dry valley systems (widien); marine erosion processes as evidenced by the great variety of features, including with sea-caves, tunnel, arches, stacks and reefs. [Excerpt from abstract]
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