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Title: Boulder and megaclast deposits on the south-east coast of Malta : signature of storm or tsunami event?
Authors: Causon Deguara, Joanna
Gauci, Ritienne
Keywords: Boulders -- Malta -- Marsaskala -- Żonqor Point
Coasts -- Earthquakes effects -- Malta
Tsunami damage -- Malta
Rogue waves -- Malta
Geology -- Malta
Issue Date: 2014-06
Citation: Causon Deguara, J., & Gauci, R. (2014). Boulder and megaclast deposits on the south-east coast of Malta : signature of storm or tsunami event?. Fifth International Symposium: monitoring of Mediterranean coastal areas: problems and measurement techniques, Livorno, 564-603.
Abstract: The presence of boulders in the coastal zone has been attributed to extreme wave events such as the exceptional storm or tsunami by various authors. In this study a number of boulders are analysed in order to try to understand and distinguish whether storm or tsunami waves could have caused their detachment and transportation. This is being done through analysis of boulder distribution, statistical analysis of boulder data and numerical modelling. Comparisons between aerial imagery of the location dated 1967 and satellite imagery of 2013 have shown some changes on the shore platform that may help to understand the underlying processes that are acting on this coast.
ISBN: 9788895597195
Appears in Collections:Scholarly Works - FacArtGeo

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