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Title: Service users’ perception of the therapeutic milieu in a mental health rehabilitation unit
Authors: Grech, Paulann
Scerri, Josianne
Cilia Vincenti, Sarah
Sammut, Alexei
Galea, Michael
Calleja Bitar, Daniela
Dimech Sant, Stephania
Keywords: Milieu therapy -- Malta
Therapeutic communities -- Malta
Mental health services -- Malta
Mental health facilities -- Malta
Mentally ill -- Care -- Malta
Issue Date: 2020
Publisher: Taylor & Francis
Citation: Grech, P., Scerri, J., Cilia Vincenti, S., Sammut, A., Galea, M., Calleja Bitar, D., & Dimech Sant, S. (2020). Service users’ perception of the therapeutic milieu in a mental health rehabilitation unit. Issues in Mental Health Nursing, 41(11), 1019-1026.
Abstract: Although the concept of the therapeutic milieu has been given prominence, the perceptions of care receivers in this regard are sparse. This study aimed to explore service users’ perceptions of the therapeutic milieu in a mental health rehabilitation unit. The method used was document analysis of annual reports generated by the unit through data collection from the care receivers. Four themes were identified, namely, the ‘physical environment’, the ‘structure of the therapeutic programme’, ‘relationships with the professionals’ and the ‘experience of living as a community’. The study contributed to previous research through meaningful ramifications for research, practice and education.
Appears in Collections:Scholalry Works - FacHScMH

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