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Title: A multinational study exploring adolescent perception of school climate and mental health
Authors: La Salle, Tamika P.
Rocha-Neves, Jesslynn
Jimerson, Shane
Di Sano, Sergio
Martinsone, Baiba
Albertova, Silvia Majercakova
Gajdošová, Eva
Baye, Ariane
Deltour, Caroline
Martinelli, Victor
Raykov, Milosh
Hatzichristou, Chryse
Palikara, Olympia
Szabo, Éva
Arlauskaite, Zydre
Athanasiou, Danai
Brown-Earle, Orlean
Casale, Gino
Lampropoulou, Aikaterini
Mikhailova, Aleksandra
Pinskaya, Marina
Zvyagintsev, Roman
Keywords: Education -- Psychological aspects
School environment -- Europe -- Case studies
School environment -- United States -- Case studies
Education, Secondary -- Europe -- Case studies
Education, Secondary -- United States -- Case studies
School psychology
Educational psychology
School management and organization -- Europe -- Case studies
School management and organization -- United States -- Case studies
Issue Date: 2021
Publisher: American Psychological Association
Citation: La Salle, T. P., Rocha-Neves, J., Jimerson, S., Di Sano, S., Martinsone, B., Albertova, M., S.,... Zvyagintsev, R. (2021). A multinational study exploring adolescent perception of school climate and mental health. School Psychology, 36(3), 155–166
Abstract: School climate is a topic of increasing importance internationally. The current study investigated the established measurement invariance of an eight-factor school climate scale using a multinational sample of secondary students. School climate factor means across 14 international groups were compared and findings on the association between school climate factors and mental health were also investigated. Findings, from this study, illustrate several cross-national similarities regarding the ways in which secondary students perceive school climate and the influence of school climate on student mental health. These findings can support school psychologists’ efforts to identify strategies and supports that improve the school environment in areas that are most consistently related to student experiences, such as school safety and school connectedness. Implications, limitations, and future directions are discussed.
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