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Title: Análisis lingüístico de los discursos electorales en el ámbito político
Authors: Dalli, Charmaine (2016)
Keywords: Discourse analysis -- Political aspects -- Spain
Communication in politics -- Spain
Politicians -- Spain -- Language
Spanish language -- Lexicology
Spanish language -- Morphosyntax
Spanish language -- Semantics
Issue Date: 2016
Citation: Dalli, C. (2016). Análisis lingüístico de los discursos electorales en el ámbito político (Bachelor's dissertation).
Abstract: Language changes according to the social context in which the speakers find themselves. Political language makes use of a series of lexico-semantic, morph-syntactic and pragmatic features, which in the electoral discourse are used in order to influence in the decision-making process of the electorate. The main aim of this research is to investigate these linguistic features which transform language into a persuasive and manipulative one. In order to reach this aim, eight political discourses, taken from the December 2015 political campaign, were analysed. This dissertation seeks to shed light on this ambiguous but captivating language and raise awareness on the subtle idiomatic manipulations used to confirm supporters and convince the still hesitant voters. The final aim of this study is to explore whether this brings about an incorrect use of the language.
Appears in Collections:Dissertations - FacArt - 2016
Dissertations - FacArtSpa - 2012-2017

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