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Title: Fast user-level inter-thread communication, synchronisation and streaming
Authors: Lin, Li (2008)
Keywords: University of Malta
Threads (Computer programs)
Streaming technology (Telecommunications)
Issue Date: 2008
Citation: Lin, L. (2008). Fast user-level inter-thread communication, synchronisation and streaming (Bachelor's dissertation).
Abstract: Since 2000, the fast user-level thread scheduler SMASH has been actively developed at the University of Malta. This project's objective is to design and implement several user-level inter-thread communication constructs for SMASH. Since communication and synchronization among threads in a process is heavily used in most multi-threading programs, the efficiency of interthread communications affects the efficiency of the whole program. In the past, those communication and synchronization constructs were built with locks, but this lock-based approach has some problems such as potential deadlock(or livelock), starvation and priority inversion. In order to solve these problems, lock-free algorithms were invented. A concurrent algorithm is lock-free, if after a finite step of execution, at least one of the participating threads is guaranteed to progress. Recently there is a lot of interest in lockfree algorithms in the research community. In this project, all the inter-thread communication constructs considered have two implementations: the lockbased implementation and the lock-free implementation. The performance of concurrent programs using these user-level constructs is measured and compared with the performance of programs using kernel-level inter-thread communication constructs. Besides, the differences between the lock-based implementations and lock-free implementations are also analyzed.
Description: B.Sc. IT (Hons)(Melit.)
Appears in Collections:Dissertations - FacICT - 1999-2009
Dissertations - FacICTCS - 2008

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