Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
2022-05 | Guest editorial introduction : overseas territories & Crown Dependencies : what future in ‘Global Britain’? | Benwell, Matthew C.; Clegg, Peter; Harmer, Nichola; Pinkerton, Alasdair |
2022-05 | The impact of Brexit on the identity of small British-European nations | Brandtjen, Roland |
2022-05 | UK state identity-making and British overseas territories’ environments in times of ecological crisis and geopolitical change | Harmer, Nichola; Bailey, Ian; Hart, Naomi |
2022-05 | Questioning the current status of the British Crown Dependencies | Bosque, Maria Mut |
2022-05 | Fighting one island to claim another : Mauritius’ journey to international justice | Gray, Sarah |
2022-05 | The Falkland Islands, international sporting competition, and evolving (post-Brexit) paradiplomacy | McDowell, Matthew L. |
2022-05 | Mediating sovereignty for the environment in the British Overseas Territories | Montana, Jasper |
2022-05 | Challenging modernity? COVID-19, sorcery, religion and vaccines in Papua New Guinea | Connell, John |
2022-05 | Democracy, façade or somewhere in between? An exploration of Vanuatu, Kiribati and São Tomé and Príncipe | Saati, Abrak; Bergman, Torbjörn |
2022-05 | A new classification of small island economies based on geography, demography and sovereignty | Goujon, Michaël; Razafindravaosolonirina, Justinien |
2022-05 | Reflections on the status of the Free Territory of Trieste | Coloni, Marina; Clegg, Peter |
2022-05 | Studying the politics of small states : a response to Baker, Dookeran and Jugl | Wivel, Anders; Baldacchino, Godfrey |
2022-05 | Cultural continuities and cultural policies in small states : the case of Malta | Visanich, Valerie |
2022-05 | Small town secession : representations of micro-statehood in the US TV series Republic of Sarah (2021) | Hayward, Philip |
2022-05 | Book review : Handbook of Caribbean economies [Conrad] | Conrad, Daren A. |
2022-05 | Book review : Sacred men : law torture, and retribution in Guam | Clement, Michael R. |
2022-05 | Book review : Micronations and the search for sovereignty | Corbett, Jack |
2022-05 | Book review : Geography of small islands : outposts of globalisation | Halliday, Andrew |
2022-05 | Book review : The foreign policy of smaller Gulf states : size, power, and regime stability in the Middle East | Parker, Tyler B. |
2022-05 | Book review : The digitizing family : an ethnography of Melanesian smartphones | Watson, Amanda H. A. |