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dc.description.abstractPurpose: This dissertation aims to study the concept of guerrilla marketing, its tools and means of delivery and its effects on brand awareness. It mainly focuses on how guerrilla marketing is being applied by organisations situated in Malta highlighting the several advantages and other issues that it consists of. Design/Methodology/Approach: Various guerrilla marketing theories and communication models have been analysed and presented in the literature. Depth interviews done with organisations that are implementing such strategies have provided a better understanding of the local industry. Findings: From the results gathered, it was confirmed that guerrilla marketing strategies are being implemented more, as a better awareness and a bigger spread is achieved. Some concerns about the costs it incurs were found, however all of the organisations agreed that guerrilla marketing is considered as a cost-effective strategy. Although, word of mouth is one of the strongest benefits that it generates, some mentioned that it is still not a guarantee that it will lead into sales and numbers. Research Limitations/Implications: Due to the developing nature of such topic, further studies are recommended. The sample size of the study was limited to the number of organisations applying such strategy. Practical Implications: By choosing the right resources and tactic, organisations will be able to create innovative strategies that will firstly aim to stimulate brand awareness. It will also lead the audience to interact, talk about the brand and position the brand in the customers’ mind, bringing them closer to the point of purchase. Originality/value: This dissertation focuses on the recent trend of guerrilla marketing that is being used in order to stand out of the rest of the clutter. Such strategy has been growing in the past years and organisations are trying to implement it to their promotional marketing strategies in order to spread their message in a cost-effective way. The communication methods and the ethical issues are also explored and discussed further.en_GB
dc.subjectBranding (Marketing)en_GB
dc.titleThe effects of guerilla marketing on brand awarenessen_GB
dc.rights.holderThe copyright of this work belongs to the author(s)/publisher. The rights of this work are as defined by the appropriate Copyright Legislation or as modified by any successive legislation. Users may access this work and can make use of the information contained in accordance with the Copyright Legislation provided that the author must be properly acknowledged. Further distribution or reproduction in any format is prohibited without the prior permission of the copyright holder.en_GB
dc.publisher.institutionUniversity of Maltaen_GB
dc.publisher.departmentFaculty of Economics, Management and Accountancy. Department of Marketingen_GB
dc.contributor.creatorMifsud, Michelle
Appears in Collections:Dissertations - FacEMAMar - 2014

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