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dc.contributor.authorAzzopardi, Joëlle-
dc.contributor.authorGalea Gauci, Dorothy-
dc.contributor.authorParker, Patricia A.-
dc.contributor.authorCalleja, Neville-
dc.contributor.authorSloan, Jeff A.-
dc.contributor.authorZammit, Raymond-
dc.identifier.citationAzzopardi, J., Galea Gauci, D., Parker, P. A., Calleja, N., Sloan, J. A., & Zammit, R. (2022). Maltese perspectives on breaking bad news in cancer : an assessment of patients’ preferences. In A.-H. Seidlein & S. Salloch (Eds.), Ethical challenges for healthcare practices at the end of life : interdisciplinary perspectives (pp. 165-183). Springer.en_GB
dc.description.abstractCancer is a signifcant disease in Malta, with 1200 Maltese residents presenting with new cancers each year (National Cancer Platform 2020). A diagnosis of cancer goes hand in hand with breaking bad news, which is usually delivered by hospital doctors as the majority of investigations are hospital-based. To break bad news effectively, physicians must devote time to the patient, giving information accordingly, answering any questions that may arise and dealing with the aftermath of such disclosure. Truth-telling is becoming increasingly advocated and offers far-reaching benefts to all involved (Munoz Sastre et al. 2011). It is also necessary if patients are to participate in their health care plans (Aquilina et al. 2018).en_GB
dc.subjectCancer -- Patientsen_GB
dc.subjectCancer -- Maltaen_GB
dc.subjectPhysician and patient -- Maltaen_GB
dc.subjectBad newsen_GB
dc.subjectCancer -- Patients -- Care -- Moral and ethical aspectsen_GB
dc.subjectCancer -- Nursing -- Maltaen_GB
dc.subjectCancer -- Diagnosis -- Maltaen_GB
dc.titleMaltese perspectives on breaking bad news in cancer : an assessment of patients’ preferencesen_GB
dc.title.alternativeEthical challenges for healthcare practices at the end of life : interdisciplinary perspectivesen_GB
dc.rights.holderThe copyright of this work belongs to the author(s)/publisher. The rights of this work are as defined by the appropriate Copyright Legislation or as modified by any successive legislation. Users may access this work and can make use of the information contained in accordance with the Copyright Legislation provided that the author must be properly acknowledged. Further distribution or reproduction in any format is prohibited without the prior permission of the copyright holder.en_GB
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