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Title: 90 Village band clubs : a Maltese socio-political phenomenon
Other Titles: The different faces of politics : a handbook of political thought and artistic expression
Authors: Vassallo, Mario Thomas
Keywords: Band clubs -- Political aspects -- Malta
Band clubs -- Malta -- History -- 20th century
Feasts, Religious -- Political aspects -- Malta
Band clubs -- Social aspects -- Malta
Band clubs -- Malta -- Influence
Issue Date: 2022
Publisher: Routledge
Citation: Vassallo, M. T. (2022). 90 Village band clubs: a Maltese socio-political phenomenon [forthcoming]. In M. T. Vassallo, & A. Debattista (Eds.), The Different Faces of Politics: A Handbook of Political Thought and Artistic Expression. UK: Routledge.
Abstract: ‘What would a Maltese festa be worth without its bands?’ This reflection underscores the popular sentiment that Malta’s festa celebrations would lose much of their attraction without the bands that animate them. The hollow beat of the bass-drum, the plaintive notes of the wood-wind cornet, and the melodious sound of the clarinet are standard features of Maltese festi, where band marches create that festive air and exercise their role of strong crowd-pullers. Bands are however, first and foremost, veritable schools of music, where many young people learn how to interpret a score and play a musical instrument for the first time in their life. But it would be a mistake to link Malta’s band clubs exclusively with the organization and celebration of festi and the execution of good music. Although these are fundamental features of every philharmonic society, the role of band clubs in Maltese social life extends far beyond these pivotal activities. The study of local band clubs is no longer regarded as a ‘parochial’ exercise but has now ventured into the realm of scientific research, with several scholarly publications and a number of local and foreign university theses focusing on different aspects of club activity. In this chapter the author will discuss the contribution of band clubs within the Maltese socio-political fabric, and its implications. This will be done by analysing the historical background which led to the formation of the first musical bands in the mid-nineteenth century, coinciding with the founding of the first organized political parties in colonial Malta. The author will trace their growth and development through the subsequent century, drawing conclusions on the trends and challenges which these village institutions are currently experiencing.
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