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Title: Case study : democratizing political science - from radio to publication
Authors: European University of the Seas (SEA-EU)
Authors: Vassallo, Mario Thomas
Keywords: Political science -- Study and teaching -- Malta
Is-Servizz Pubbliku: ilbieraħ, illum u għada (Radio program)
Educational radio stations -- Malta
Campus FM (Radio station : Malta)
Vassallo, Mario Thomas. Kollox politika? : governanza, reliġjon, ekonomija u amministrazzjoni pubblika
Issue Date: 2021-12
Publisher: European University of the Seas (SEA-EU)
Citation: Vassallo, M. T. (2021). Case study: democratizing political science - from radio to publication. Strategies of stakeholder engagement: mapping and analysis of approaches and strategies within the Sea-EU alliance, 34-35.
Abstract: Goal of the project: The project supports the democratisation of knowledge and learning in political science by reaching out to various stakeholders on- and off-campus. It adopts a transdisciplinary approach to restore both the ideal politik and realpolitik and goes beyond the academic community since it interacts with a broader audience. The project induces fun into learning - infotainment - and builds bridges with on and off campus stakeholders for further cross collaboration in the future.
Appears in Collections:Scholarly Works - FacEMAPP

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