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Title: Gozo : the administration of an island region
Authors: Farrugia, Joyce (2002)
Keywords: Public administration -- Gozo
Malta. Kunsill Civiku Għawdxi
Issue Date: 2002
Citation: Farrugia, J. (2002). Gozo : the administration of an island region (Diploma long essay).
Abstract: Although totally dependent on its sister island Malta, Gozo has over the years enjoyed some autonomy in administration. Local government and self-rule marked the island's story. This study examines the development of Gozo's administration about which very little has been written. The study provides some insights on what type of administration best suits Gozo, and serves as a point of departure for further research. The study is divided into six sections. The introduction outlines the objectives and poses three major questions : • What factors influenced the development of particular arrangements? • How did particular arrangements operate? • What are the strengths and limitations of a different arrangement? The second chapter outlines administrative arrangements from pre-history to 1946. The third chapter relates the administrative experimentation from 1946 to 2001, a period which shows a break with previous times - with Gozitans continuously trying to make their voices heard. The fourth chapter assesses the Ministry for Gozo - the last arrangement for the island, which addresses its specific needs and concerns. Chapter five analyses the factors behind the last four experiments in governance of Gozo i.e. The Gozo Party, the Gozo Civic Council the Parliamentary Committee for Gozo and the Ministry for Gozo. The final chapter draws on previous observations for a concluding discussion concerning the best type of administration for Gozo. Information was derived from published sources, books, articles in newspapers and official reports, personal interviews, memoranda and papers regarding the administration of Gozo. It must, however, be emphasized that this study is preliminary and it does not hold any pretension of being a comprehensive analysis of the Gozitan administration.
Description: DIP.PUBLIC ADMIN.
Appears in Collections:Dissertations - FacEma - 1959-2008
Dissertations - FacEMAPP - 1959-2010

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