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Title: Planning and design of a digital data network for the Maltese Islands
Authors: Scerri, Stephen (1991)
Keywords: Linked data
Packet switching (Data transmission)
Issue Date: 1991
Citation: Scerri, S. (1991). Planning and design of a digital data network for the Maltese Islands (Bachelor's dissertation).
Abstract: This the project is subdivided into three parts. The first part explores difficulties encountered in transmitting data. Several of these difficulties are eliminated or diminished when analogue transmission is substituted by digital technology. Both methods are still used over the Public Switched Telephone .Network and dedicated lines. The second part deals mainly with CCITT Recommendation X.25. The three layers of the recommendations are explained, and they are shown to be in accordance with the OSI 7-layer model. In the final part of the project, packet switching is compared with other present technologies of data transmission. The technical merits, as well as the Maltese demand for data seem to indicate that a packet switched network is the best solution to meet present and future requirements. The final chapters study the possible configuration and size of a Maltese packet switched network. Packet switching is gaining importance all over the world. We live an information hungry society and therefore, an efficient transmission is an asset in every country. Packet switching revolutionize data communications in Malta.
Appears in Collections:Dissertations - FacEng - 1968-2014
Dissertations - FacEngESE - 1970-2007

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