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Title: The financial problems related to the administration of the Sacra Infermeria in the last five decades of the Order of St John (1748-1798)
Authors: Galea Ebejer, Mariette (2012)
Keywords: Order of St John -- Malta -- History
Malta -- History -- Knights of Malta, 1530-1798
Sacra Infermeria (Valletta, Malta)
Issue Date: 2012
Citation: Galea Ebejer, M. (2012). The financial problems related to the administration of the Sacra Infermeria in the last five decades of the Order of St John (1748-1798) (Diploma long essay).
Abstract: The purpose of this study is to determine how the financial decline of the Order of St John in Malta affected the financial administration of the Sacra Infirmeria. This was done by unearthing new evidence from the Archives of the Order, in attempt to reduce the lacuna which exists in published research on the finances of the Order, and its Holy Infirmary. This is being done in the hope of creating a new line of study in this regard. To make this feasible, an analysis of three sets of financial statements representing the Holy Infirmary's provision expenses within different periods was carried out. In addition, three high profile historians, namely the Hon. Judge Giovanni Bonello, Prof. Roger Ellul-Micallef and Prof. Charles Savona-Ventura were invited to share their expertise and views on this very intriguing subject. General findings asserted that due to losses of revenue through absence of crusades, corsairs, and slaves for manual service the Treasury was compelled to economise on the two of the most vital necessities, lamp oil and bread. This evidently confirms in what pathetic state the financial administration of the Infirmary had sunk. What transpired through these conclusions has opened up new horizons for further research in the hope of compiling a holistic picture of the finances of a once commendable hospital.
Description: DIP.PUBLIC ADMIN.
Appears in Collections:Dissertations - FacEma - 2012
Dissertations - FacEMAPP - 2012

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