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Title: Demographic growth and the urbanization of the Maltese countryside to 1798
Authors: Fiorini, Stanley
Keywords: Demography -- Malta -- History
Urbanization -- Malta -- History
Malta -- Population
Malta -- History -- Knights of Malta, 1530-1798
Demographic transition -- Malta
Issue Date: 1993
Publisher: Mireva
Citation: Fiorini, S. (1993). Demographic growth and the urbanization of the Maltese countryside to 1798. In V. Mallia-Milanes (Ed.), Hospitaller Malta 1530-1798 : studies on early modern Malta and the Order of St John of Jerusalem (pp. 297-310). Msida: Mireva.
Abstract: By the time the Order of St John came to Malta in 1530 the Maltese islands counted a population somewhat exceeding 20,000. Various sources point towards this figure. Quintinus asserts it and states that this population was to be found in the Gozo citadel and its Rabat, Mdina and its Rabat, the Castle-by-the-Sea and its Birgu and in forty-two villages organized in nine parishes or cappelle. Towards the end of the century it is affirmed by Abela, who quotes a royal letter sent from Ocaña to the viceroy of Sicily on 6 January 1499, that the island had no fewer than 4,000 able-bodied combattenti; mention is also made of some 100 horses from Mdina alone. [excerpt]
ISBN: 1870579259
Appears in Collections:Melitensia Works - ERCWHMlt

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