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Title: An assessment of the critical elements of the health and safety setup at engineering base, Air Malta plc with a view to restructuring
Authors: Buhagiar, Joseph (2006)
Keywords: Air Malta
Industrial safety -- Malta
Airports -- Malta
Aerospace engineers -- Malta
Issue Date: 2006
Citation: Buhagiar, J. (2006). An assessment of the critical elements of the health and safety setup at engineering base, Air Malta plc with a view to restructuring (Diploma long essay).
Abstract: Air Malta Company Limited was registered on the 30th March 1973 and set up on the 21st November 1973 as a company fully owned by the government of Malta. In 1995, Air Malta then became a public liability company after the approval of the House of Representatives. The share capital was increased from five million Maltese liri to thirty- five million Maltese liri. [...]
Description: DIP.SOC.STUD.
Appears in Collections:Dissertations - FacArt - 1999-2010
Dissertations - FacArtSoc - 1986-2010

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