
Research Data Management

Research Data Management

Research Data Management (RDM) refers to the process of planning, organising, storing, preserving, sharing, and curating data generated or collected over the course of a research undertaking. It encompasses practices, policies, and tools required for an effective and responsible management of data throughout its entire life cycle, including collection strategies, backup and storage of data, data documentation, and ethical and legal requirements related to data. While its main objective is to ensure compliance with the funding agency and institutional and national policies, good RDM can foster collaboration, improve the quality and reliability of research outcomes, and enhance knowledge sharing on the world-wide scale.

Our Library supports RDM by providing academics and researchers with a dedicated data repository, drUM, where they can easily upload and preserve their data. If you wish to know more about drUM, data management and related matters, kindly refer to the FAQs below or contact the Open Science Department.